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Feeling Sound: Accessibility + Connectivity

We will explore how creators are using their artistry + technology to enable increased connectivity, expression and accessibility.

Dame Evelyn Glennie, Ruth Montgomery, Nathan Geering



John Alexiou

In this episode, we are exploring how creators are using their artistry + technology to enable increased connectivity, expression and accessibility.

Dame Evelyn Glennie, Solo Percussionist

Ruth Montgomery, Founder and Artistic Director, Audiovisability

Nathan Geering, Accessibility Innovator + Chief Executive of The Rationale Method

Moderator: John Alexiou, Co-Founder, StudioFeed/SUBPAC

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The Panel

John Alexiou

John Alexiou

Dame Evelyn Glennie

Dame Evelyn Glennie

Ruth Montgomery

Ruth Montgomery

Nathan Geering

Nathan Geering

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